Nitrogen Stabilizers | P & H

Nitrogen Stabilizers

Squeezing the most from your fertilizer investment

Prevent Nitrogen loss

There are 3 forms of Nitrogen loss:

  1. Volatilization is above-ground loss of nitrogen. This occurs when the soil’s urease enzymes break the urea molecules into ammonia gas. It can occur when fertilizer is broadcasted or shallow-banded during warm temperatures, when N is applied to moist soil followed by dry conditions, as well some soils higher in Ph are more prone to loss.
  2. Denitrification nitrogen loss occurs below ground when nitrate nitrogen is converted back to gaseous forms. It is found most often in warm soils that are poorly drained or are waterlogged.
  3. Leaching is when nitrogen is lost below ground as downward movement of water carries negatively charged nitrate below the root zone. It is most common in sandy soils and when there is heavy rain events.

How can a nitrogen stabilizer help?

The best and cheapest insurance you can buy protects your nitrogen investment so the dollars stay right where you put them. Nitrogen stabilizers help ensure that the nitrogen is available to the crop. No one can predict the weather; a large rain event can wash away your nitrogen investment, whether all the N is placed in front of planting or side dressed shortly after planting.

There are many variables in determining the amount of loss, but having a nitrogen stabilizer that protects against volatilization and denitrification will keep a large percentage of the nitrogen stable in the soil.

Depending on the application rate, saving even 80% of that nitrogen can save up to $45 per acre just in N loss alone even after the cost of the product.

Soil Testing

A soil test is the first step to making sound nutrient management decisions. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Without a soil test you’re poking around in the dark making guesses. Knowing where your nutrient levels are is key in determining the amount of nutrient to apply for any given crop.

If levels are in the “sufficiency” range or higher, you can lower the rate of that specific nutrient and theoretically draw from the bank account. If levels are in the low or “deficient” range, concentrate your dollars by feeding the crop that specific nutrient and possibly drawing down the higher testing levels.

This will often become a “wash” in the end. However, knowing what’s in your soil nutrient bank account is paramount when fertilizer prices become the hot topic. A basic $30 test can save money per acre in the long run.

Contact your local P&H Representative to learn how to get the most out of your nitrogen application