Blog - Parrish and Heimbecker, Limited


Keeping Crops Clean with Pre-Harvest Products

July 12, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Western Canada

Should you use pre-harvest products for weed control or for crop desiccations? With the right product and expert knowledge from P&H you could do both.

Pre-harvest products, like glyphosate, are used against hard-to-control perennials such as Canada Thistle and Quackgrass, best controlled during the fall when leaf area is at its maximum. In cereals, application timing and crop staging are critical for product uptake.

For cereals, a pre-harvest with application with glyphosate can only occur when the crop is at 30% or less moisture content. (more…)

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Fight Back With Fungicides From P&H

June 30, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Western Canada

After a wet seeding season in parts of Canada this growing season, it’s important to scout your crops often and assess frequently for signs of disease pressure during the early growing stages. Along with frequent scouting, fungicides are another option to help protect your seeding investment during the most vulnerable growing stages.

Crop Considerations

When deciding to apply an in-crop fungicide there are a few considerations including crop variety and disease rating. It’s important to consider the realistic expectations for your crop based on the chosen variety and current environmental factors.


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P&H Western Weekly Recap: June 24-28, 2024

June 24, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Western Canada

Canola progress on pace with past year and lower US corn sales: read about these market factors and more in this week’s P&H Western Weekly Recap.

Canola / Soybean

-Canola futures were slightly lower on the week w/ the Sept contract closing down just over $1/MT at $622.50.

-For the week ending June 17, SK crop development for Oilseeds was classified at 4% ahead, 55% normal and 41% behind, crop conditions will be out next week. AB crop report showed canola crop conditions rated as 64.8% G/E. MB’s latest crop report showed that 96% of the crop was seeded and some re-seeding had occurred due to overly wet conditions. (more…)

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P&H’s Western Weekly Recap: June 17-21, 2024

June 17, 2024 | Western Canada

Here’s what’s new in the global grain markets this week:


-Minneapolis Spring wheat futures continued their decline last week w/ the July futures down 39 cents on the week.

-US Crop Progress report will be out this afternoon, last week it showed 98% of the US Spring wheat crop was planted with 72% rated as good/excellent. Winter wheat conditions were 47% G/E (down 2%) with harvest at 12% complete. (more…)

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P&H’s Western Weekly Recap: June 10-14, 2024

June 10, 2024 | Western Canada


-Minneapolis July futures were down almost 44 cents and closed at 694’4 on the week. Since the recent highs reached back on May 28, wheat futures are down over 73 cent US per bushel while cash prices have taken a hit somewhere to the tune of $1/bu.

-US Crop progress report will be out this afternoon, last week it showed the winter wheat crop condition ratings in the good to excellent category were up 1%, now at 49% (compared to 36% LY), 83% headed (+5% above avg), and harvest was 6% complete.

-Spring wheat was 94% planted (+4% above avg, ), with emergence at 78% (+9% above avg) and 74% rated as Good/Excellent (vs 64% LY). (more…)

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Consider Marketing Old and New Crop Now

June 1, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Uncategorized, Western Canada

Take Advantage of Higher Old-Crop Prices Before They Turn and Think About Pricing New Crop to Help With Cashflow

There’s a point when old crop price drops. It’s usually in late June or early July. Don’t get caught with grain still in your bin when that happens.

Remember economics 101? Markets operate under the law of supply and demand. There’s a moment every spring or early summer when end users suddenly decide they have enough grain to get them through the rest of the year until new crop gets harvested. Demand drops. Price follows.


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Nitrogen Stabilizers to Protect Your N Investment

April 29, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Uncategorized, Western Canada

How Do Nitrogen Stabilizers Work?

Nitrogen stabilizers help ensure that the nitrogen is available to the crop by helping to reduce nitrogen loss. Nitrogen stabilizers are products that can help to slow the conversion of nitrogen to forms that are more susceptible to loss. Urease inhibitors slow the transformation of urea to ammonium, which can convert to ammonia gas and be lost by volatilization.  This means that you’re left with less usable N in the soil for crop production. (more…)

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Controlling Weeds with Pre-Emergent Herbicides

April 1, 2024 | Eastern Canada, Western Canada

Pre-emergents are a foundational part of a successful herbicide-based weed management program.

Timing and environmental factors will affect efficacy, but the appropriate herbicide applied at the right time can have significant benefits to overall crop health and quality. Developing a pro-active pre-emergent strategy is one way to effectively control weed populations and improve crop yields.

Why are Pre-Emergent Important?

As weed resistance becomes more wide spread, pre-emergents are one way producers can combat weed populations and reduce nutrient competition early. They can help spread work load and ensure that your protection products are applied before weed populations explode.

Here are Some Tips to Control Problem Weeds With Pre-Emergent Herbicides: (more…)

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