Plant Growth Regulators and Foliar Nutrients | P&H Agriculture

Good to Great


The 2023 growing season is under way, and conditions are promising. At this time of year, it’s always good to ask yourself what enhancements might help you to push your potential toward truly great results . Two in-season products that can enhance crop growth and quality are Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and foliar nutrients. Like any tool, they both have specific purposes that need to be considered.


In crop production, Plant Growth Regulators shorten the internodes and thicken the base of the stem in cereals, reducing the risk of lodging. There are several benefits for using PGRs on cereal crops.

  • Greater fertility for higher cereal yields, without the fear of lodging.
  • The ability to take advantage of increased moisture and optimum growing conditions in season.
  • Increased harvest efficiency and grain quality when cereals are standing at the time of cutting.


Prevention can go a long way toward better results at harvest. Foliar fertilizers are designed to supplement soil-applied crop fertility that is applied before or during seeding. They are used to prevent nutrient deficiencies that may or may not show deficiency symptoms. Plants can suffer sub-clinical deficiencies that sometimes go undiagnosed — often referred to as “hidden hunger.” The use of a multi-nutrient foliar product can be a useful tool to keep crops properly fed and prevent hidden problems before they start.

Foliar fertilizers can also be used to correct conditions that stress the crop. One example would be a canola crop in the 4 to 5 leaf stage that has experienced hail damage — leaving it at-risk for reduced photosynthesis capacity from damaged leaves. Using a foliar fertilizer at this stressful stage can replenish nutrients that might otherwise become deficient. Many foliar applications are compatible with herbicides or fungicides and can be conveniently applied in one sprayer pass.


Crop prices are looking positive, and this year’s conditions are promising — but only if you stay on top of it. Visit your local retailer and talk to your P&H Representative for more information on how plant growth regulators and foliar applied nutrients can grow your crop from good to great. Our team of experts are always ready to help you find a customized approach that fits your crop plan and growing conditions.

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